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10 questions with Mawunyo Gbogbo

Women in Media recently caught up with Double J and ABC music and pop culture reporter Mawunyo Gbogbo to discuss her current role and new book Hip Hop & Hymns.

What is your current role?

I’m a music and pop culture reporter for Double J and ABC News and the author of Hip Hop & Hymns. I can say that, now that my book is out!

Where does your interest in pop culture stem from?

Pop culture both reflects and affects society. It has a huge impact on how we see ourselves and on how our descendants will see us in the future.

So I guess my interest stems from my curiosity about how the world operates.

What professional achievement makes you most proud?

Completing my debut book Hip Hop & Hymns!

I reckon I’ve only got one book in me, and I gave this one everything I’ve got. And I reckon the blood, sweat and tears has paid off.

I’m really proud of what I’ve been able to achieve. I mean… I wrote a book!

The first-time author with her new book.

What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered?

Hate to say it – but I’d have to say racism and prejudice. Some of it is institutionalised, some of it is unconscious bias – all of it is traumatising.

Who has been your biggest mentor and influence?

My journalism hero is Ida B. Wells. I’m also a 2021-22 Walkley Mentorship Program mentee.

My mentor is Investigative Journalist Nick McKenzie.

What is something no-one knows about you?

Controversially, I think P!nk’s best album was her first one.

How do you wind down after work?

I watch the news, and then maybe catch an episode of whatever is the latest TV series I’m watching. Might listen to some music. Might call or catch up with a friend.

Will definitely call my mother. She usually hears from me multiple times a day!

What are you reading at the moment?

Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley and Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson. (Bit of light reading there!)

What does the immediate future hold?

Who knows! That’s the beauty of life – taking each day as it comes and going from one adventure to the next.

Describe a perfect day in your role

Wake up at 7am – listen to the news and AM on RN, read the papers, dial in to my 8am editorial meeting, pitch an outstanding enterprise story that gets me out of the house – interview talent face-to-face, take some great pics, write and file my original captivating story.


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