What is your current role?
I tell people I have a portfolio career – a bit of this and a dash of that. I recently stepped down as Chair of the Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council after 4 and a half years and that role was really rewarding, but also quite confronting. I’m still on the Seven News payroll, filing occasional stories and sharing gratuitous advice with my colleagues (even when not asked!). I also enjoy working with the Queensland Weekender lifestyle show, am patron of several children’s charities and recently signed on as a retirement living ambassador – I figure if you can’t beat them, join them.
How did you get involved in journalism?
I was good at English and rotten at maths when at school, liked talking to people and hearing their stories so enrolling in a journalism degree seemed a no-brainer.
What professional achievement are you most proud of?
I believe the most satisfying achievement as a journalist is to help right a wrong or share an inspiring or interesting story that resonates with an audience. I like to think I’ve done that a few times over the years.
What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered?
Overcoming insecurities and an occasional lack of self-confidence. Television can be fast and furious, and people are quick to share their opinions on a whole range of things including physical appearance, so I’ve worked hard at self-empowerment. I think that’s something we all need to do until the day we die.
Who has influenced and mentored you?
The ABC’s Geraldine Doogue influenced me when I first arrived in Australia. I love her energy, intellect and presenting style. And I’ve been very lucky to have mentors such as Dame Quentin Bryce along the way. The best mentors of all are the tribe of sisters that we gather as we go and grow.
What is something no-one knows about you?
I’m struggling with this question – and I think it’s best to leave people wondering …
How do you wind down of an evening?
Power walking – preferably beside the water – with my best friend and partner Richard and dog Loui followed by a glass of wine.
What are you reading at the moment?
How to prune citrus trees. We’ve recently moved to a rural property. What we were thinking!?
What does the immediate future hold?
With COVID calling the shots at the moment, the future is unpredictable but will always include a morning meditation session, some yoga (more like stretches) and rolling with the punches. And, getting my second dose of AZ.
Describe a perfect day in your role?
A perfect day is one that unfolds on my terms. Trust me, you’ll all (hopefully) reach an age and a stage where you’re confident in your skin, you’re attracted to good people around you, you’ve been able to contribute to superannuation and life is sweet. Stay safe everyone.