Relaunch Project
Women in Media and the Google News Initiative have joined forces for the Relaunch Project. It is an exclusive series of workshops, mentoring sessions and online training aimed to develop the skills of talented women in media to empower them to successfully return to the workforce.

The Relaunch Project will invite a select group of women to participate in a program tailored specifically to their needs as they re-enter the workplace.
What is the project?
What's involved?
Successful candidates will receive:
10 specialised and intensive virtual workshops over six months focusing on leadership, media industry directions, new technologies and work/life balance;
Help to build your brand;
A starter pack for the Relaunch Project, welcoming and inducting you into the program;
An invitation to the launch event to announce the 2024 cohort;
A ticket to our Women in Media National Conference in 2023 [if COVID-19 allows] where you will benefit from two days of hearing from industry leaders, participating in workshops, and taking advantage of valuable networking opportunities;
One-on-one mentoring with an industry professional; and
Be paired with another member from the Relaunch Project, helping to support and build a connection as you navigate your journey through the program and mentoring sessions.