By Macey Williams, Bond University Student Reporter
Balance and diversity are key to managing career challenges in the media landscape.
Nothing is permanent except for change.
That was one of the core messages delivered to about 400 of Australia’s leading female journalists during the Career Changes panel for the annual Women in Media conference at Bond University.
This year four leaders of the industry discussed the career changes they had experienced, including the gender pay gap, upskilling women in digital technology, and the importance of diversity.
The panel, comprised of Beverley McGarvey, Kylie Blucher and Professor Keitha Dunstan was moderated by Victoria Laurie.
Balance and diversity were key, they said.
Blucher said three fundamental guidelines were essential to ensuring diversity in the media: what viewers see on the screen, what employees see in the workplace, and what the community sees the media doing on the outside.
Bond University Provost Professor Keitha Dunstan said “a nimble and curious mind is not a gendered mind.”
As women struggle to take up powerful roles in the media, Blucher suggested attendees pictured themselves in the role they wanted and then ensured they used their interpersonal skills to network.
In addition to gender inclusion, the panel discussed the increased involvement of talented regional Australians.
Beverley McGarvey said it was an area that was finally gaining attention.
“Three years ago, skilled remote journalists would not have been thought of,” she said.
Diversity in the media is growing but is still cause for concern with room for improvement.
“We are a long way behind where we should be,” Blucher said.