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Women in Media Impact Report 2023

Women in Media has a direct impact on career pathways and employment opportunities for women working across the diverse media landscape of Australia. Our initiatives aim to increase gender equality, extend leadership and economic participation opportunities for women, and build a safer, more respectful culture in Australian workplaces.

We capture and publish data-driven evidence to support and amplify the voices and perspectives of media women and empower them to excel, learn, contribute, and connect. With over 6000 members nationwide and branches in each state and territory, members work in all facets of the media including journalism, communications, production, public relations, advertising, marketing, publishing and digital media.

2023 Women in Media Impact Report

Program Impact

*Relaunch participant survey

WiM Program Impact

“The workshops have helped me face my fears and understand them, and to also appreciate my strengths. I feel like I know what I need to do now.”

“The real ‘magic sauce’ is the cohort itself - made up of fiercely intelligent, understated women. Something special happens when a powerful group of smart, funny and kind females come together.”

“Relaunch has been an interesting way for me to get learn about how to set boundaries in the workplace, and to not be afraid to step outside my comfort zone.”


Annually the organisation assesses its membership and the media industry broadly to create the Women in Media Industry Insight Report. This evidence-based report highlights changes in perceptions towards:

Media industry's commitment to gender equality

Our impact: We create articles and content that explore and discuss gender equity shared in our popular newsletter and on social media.

Women's career satisfaction

Our impact: We create leadership and development programs to enable individuals to realise their full potential, expand their thinking, and find new ways of working.

Gender pay gap

Our impact: Our programs connect women nationwide and, in the Pacific, and help them to develop skills and empower them to successfully return to the workforce and seek pathways to promotion.

Number of women working in the media sector

Our impact: Our popular annual conference features high-calibre speakers and attracts attendees from across the country. We host orations and must-attend events in partnership with The National Press Club in Canberra.

Drivers to leave and stay in your job

Our impact: We run Scholarships and Awards that support women on their career pathway. This includes the Caroline Jones Award, offered annually to a young regional or rural journalist, and the Career Boost Scholarship, helping mid-career women broaden their qualifications to improve their promotion and leadership prospects.


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